Cooperative Governance in Action

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Many U.S. agricultural cooperatives have roots dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with governance practices that have evolved to reflect their growth and change. The increasing complexity of farm and cooperative operations coupled with dynamic business, economic, and social environments are creating new challenges for governance. In this interactive session, cooperative leaders will reflect on governance practices and trends surfaced by the UW Center for Cooperatives’ recent report Cooperative Governance Research Initiative Ag Sector Findings. The panel will discuss topics such as board service limits, compensation, trust, and healthy dissent in the board room.

Heather Beaner, Director, Agtegra
Jason Brancel, President and CEO, Riceland Foods, Inc.
Jake Taylor, Vice Chairman, MFA Oil
Moderator: Courtney Berner, Executive Director, UW Center for Cooperatives